CSD 532: Science of Dialogic Design

CSD 532: Science of Dialogic Design
Tom Flanagan, PhD

Students will begin with classes about systems, cybernetics, and theory of change. They will then be introduced to the historical perspectives, the theory, and the evolution of the science of dialogic design. They will become confident with the key definitions, the axioms: The Complexity Axiom (John Warfield); (Hasan Ozbekhan); The Investment Axiom: The Logic Axiom (Norma Romm and Maria Kakoulaki); The Epistemological Axiom (LaDonna Harris and Reynaldo Trevino);The Boundary-Spanning Axiom (loanna Tsivacou and Norma Romm); The Reconciliation of Power Axiom (Peter Jones), the laws: Variety (Ashby); Parsimony (Miller); Saliency (Boulding); Meaning and Wisdom (Peirce); Authenticity and Autonomy (Tsivacou); Evolutionary Learning (Dye); Action (Laouris) the consensus methods, and the language patterns used in the application of the science.

Students will be evaluated for their theoretical understanding of systems science and the science of dialogic design.

Syllabus Reading Resources:

Flanagan, T., & Christakis, A. N. (2009). The talking point: creating an environment for exploring complex meaning. IAP.