Philip Snyder

Courses: CSD 631: Whole Systems: Sustainability, Equity and the Environment
Degrees: Ph.D in Anthropology from Cornell University
Office Hours:  Available through video conferencing by arrangement
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Prof. Snyder with PhD in Anthropology from Cornell University, and a Masters in Anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley, is currently a Fellow with the Dorothy Cotton Institute, Building Global Community for Civil and Human Rights Leadership.
In 1997, he was awarded a Senior Fulbright Fellowship to Cyprus to coordinate the citizens' conflict resolution program of the Fulbright Commission, working with Turkish and Greek communities in the divided island of Cyprus. His key contribution was a series of workshops about sustainability and the environment with activists from both sides of the Green Line.For the following two years, Snyder joined CYBER Kids as the Head of the CYBER KIDS Internationalization Unit.

Selected Publications

  • Earthkeeping Initiation: Can Boys Come of Age in Today's World? Lead article, Voice Male: changing men in changing times, Fall 2010 volume 14 no. 51
  • The Milk of the Mountain: a memoir of place in the west of Ireland. Book manuscript in progress.
  • A Couple's Odyssey. Unpublished manuscript with Patricia Dell Paine.
  • Forward to The Finger Lakes Region of New York: a view from above. Charles Feil and Ernest Rose, co-authors. VFA Publishing. 2005.
  • Recovering the Sacred in Nature. Chapter in Ecovillage Living, Jackson and Svensson, ed. Chelsea Green: 2002.
  • Foreword to Navajo and Tibetan Sacred Wisdom: Circle of the Spirit by Peter Gold. Inner Traditions International, 1994.
  • Nature, Culture and Prospects for Sustainable Development in Cyprus. Chapter in manuscript: Cyprus Prepares for the 21st century.
  • Land Protection in the Finger Lakes Eco Justice Quarterly Vol. 14, #3, Summer 1994.
  • Caretaking: Finding a Rhythm in Working with the Earth The Land Steward Vol. 6, #3, Summer 1994.
  • Recovering a Sense of Place The Land Steward Vol. 5, #4, Fall 1993.
  • Earthkeeping: the Watercourse Way and Earthkeeping EcoVillage at Ithaca Newsletter,January 1993; October, 1992.
  • The Primacy of Mind and the Necessity of Transformation: a review of Global Mind Change: the Promise of the Last Years of the 20th Century by Willis Harman. Eco-Justice Quarterly Spring, 1989.
  • "The One Percent Plan: a People to People Step Towards a Durable Peace" article in Choices and Connections, Carolyn MacPhail, ed. 1987. Note: this essay formed the impetus for the founding of 1% for Peace/Business Partnership for Peace. I was on the executive committee of the board for seven years until the merger with Businesses for Social Responsibility.