ESD 521: Technology, Education, and Learning Institutions in 2025

ESD 521: Technology, Education, and Learning Institutions in 2025
George Veletsianos, PhD

In this course, we will examine what education may look like in 2025. There's nothing special about the year 2025, though the date is so distant in technological, economic, political, and socio-cultural that we can safely explore potential futures for learning, education, and educational systems .How will people learn in the distant future? Will learning happen within institutions? What role will technology play in future learning institutions? What will schools and universities look like? Will we invent new forms of education that reside outside of schools and universities? What is the purpose of education and how will it change in the next 10-15 years? Will we still use lectures halls? Will online education be the norm? Are we reaching a point where "anyone can learn anything from anyone else at any time?" Or, are Google, Facebook, and Twitter "infantilizing our minds," distracting us from meaningful learning and purposeful living? Together, we will answer these questions. Just as societies, governments, and other social groups adapt and change over time, so do institutions of learning, the work that they do, and how they do that work. We live at a transient time for education, at a time where entrepreneurs, politicians, philanthropists, college professors, and university presidents are defining what education may look like in 2025. Together, we will investigate major trends influencing education, and understand how education and learning institutions are (and are not) changing with the emergence of certain technologies, social behaviors, and cultural expectations

Syllabus Reading Resources:

• Abeles (2011). The future of the University. On the Horizon, 19(4), 239-244.
• Selwyn, N. (2010).Schools and Schooling in the Digital Age: A Critical Analysis. Routledge.