Genesis of N.E.T.S. logo
The N.E.T.S. logo was inspired by an ancient Cypriot coin first printed by Evelthon of Salamis1 , the earliest known coinage of Cyprus issued during the last quarter of the sixth century BC. Evelthon is the first Greek basileus (ruler) of Cyprus2 . He is credited with the introduction of numismatic economy in Cyprus3 .
The circle with the cross is a variant of the popular Egyptian ANKH symbol, which symbolizes the key of life (crux ansata: latin meaning "cross with a handle"). We do not know the exact significance in the political environment of Cyprus and at the time various Egyptian symbols were "borrowed" by Cypriot kings in the Archaic period. Nonetheless, the way the ANKH is employed in Cyprus is truly Cypriot, and in this case, truly Salaminian in the sense that Egyptians have never used it on their coins. Indeed, several symbols of this coin appear also on coins printed in Paphos, Amathus, Idalion and Kition4 .
The symbol inside the circle is the letter ku, from the Cypriot syllabary. It represents Ku(prion) (Cypriots). Some authors claim that the 6 branches may also represent also Cypriot version of the tree of knowledge.
The symbol on the left, the syllable "WA", stands for basileus, while the inverted U symbol stands for unity.
The 28 dots arranged in a circle may represent the lunar (female) cycle and the circle the struggle for perfection.
In the lost language of symbolism, many of these symbols appear in an infinite variety of forms. Still, it is alluring to imagine that so much imagery and so many connotations can spring out of this single coin.
The Mediterranean Graduate School of Applied Social Cognition, N.E.T.S. chose it, mainly because of the center of the coin containing the "Ku," which is the name of our island. At the same "Ku" may be the origin of the English word "Key". The branches, counted as two, three, four, six or seven resemble the richness of the universe. According to some, the combined symbol represents the tree of knowledge. The ANKH is directly related to the tree of life, but for many it is also a symbol used for Venus (Aphrodite) and cooper (the heavy mining of which gave Cyprus its name).