The Mediterranean Graduate School of Applied Social Cognition specializes mainly at the interface of the 4 sciences that the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute has accumulated expertise: Neuroscience; Education; Systems; Technology. More specifically, it focuses on a particular sub-domain of each of these sciences as exemplified below.
Our vision is put together a team of originally ca. 20 highly committed PhD students, capable and intelligent individuals who will work at the interface of the four sciences focused to develop the science required to achieve a paradigm shift and a major leap forward in our world.The number of students for Phase 1 will be maximum 20. N.E.T.S. offers only MS and PhD degrees. All programs are designed to lead to PhD. The academic classes required for MS and PhD are identical, which means that candidates who already have an MS will still have to receive an additional MS on their way to completing a PhD.
N.E.T.S. aspires to pioneer worldwide in offering cutting-edge advanced graduate programs that lie at the interface of four areas of significant importance (i.e., Meta-Systems Neuroscience, Instructional Systems Design, Complex Systems Science as applied for social change and peace building, and Information & Computer Technologies) but at the same time equip its graduates with knowledge, expertise, tools and motivation to apply towards creating a better world. The design of its curricula is grounded on the premise that we ought to re-define the methods, purpose, and tools we use in research, in education and in social sciences in light of relevant and pressing social, economic and political priorities.
- Meta-Systems Neuroscience (MSN). While, systems neuroscientists study how different neural circuits analyze sensory information, form perceptions of the external world, make decisions, and execute movements, Meta-systems neuroscientists study how a population of (in our case human) brains develops a collective understanding of the state of the system under study, agree on structural designs that describe the system, and join powers to solve collectively specific problems and/or act towards improving the system though harnessing the collective intelligence and the collective wisdom of the population. At N.E.T.S. we aspire to define, measure and harness collective intelligence and collective wisdom.
- Instructional Systems Design (ISD) [1]. We define ISD as the practice of creating educational experiences, which make the acquisition of knowledge, expertise, and wisdom, more efficient, more effective towards achieving positive goals, and more appealing for each individual involved. The process includes determining the current state and needs of the learner, defining learning goals, and generating smart intervention schemes to assist the transition to a new level of knowledge, understanding and cognitive awareness. The design of new environments should take into account the hijacking and overload of human attention as a limited resource. At N.E.T.S. we are reimagining and re-designing education by creating digital products and services that empower teachers, students and parents in many new ways.
- Technology for Social Systems Design - Complex Systems Science. The dawn of the 21st century has marked unprecedented paradigm shifts. On one hand the speed of technological change challenges societies to develop methods and laws to tackle new complexities. On another hand, the world has become unstable in many regions, the Millennium Development Goals are by far behind, and the weapon industry is on the rise. While these developments are taking place, the systems of governance, especially at the level of governments, have not evolved and are lacking behind. Some consider them Paleolithic. In sum, the challenges we face are far too complex for any single human to tackle them alone. We came to realize that the methods and tools we have used in the past seem to be failing when applied on today’s highly convoluted wicked problems. At N.E.T.S. we develop new theory and new tools to manage social complexity. We aspire to use these tools to achieve positive social change and promote non-violent conflict resolution and peace building worldwide.
- Research Methods (RM) Third-phase Science - Information & Computer Technologies (ICT). Science has evolved but the science of science did not. The deployment of ICTs and their uptake by society affect radically the human condition, insofar as it modifies our relationships to ourselves, to others and to the world[2]. At N.E.T.S. we consider it imperative that modern citizens, especially future scientists, social entrepreneurs and aspiring change makers should be proficient with Research Methods, with the concepts of Third-phase Science, with information technologies and applications as well as with design, experimentation and programming.
The acronyms of the four domains are used to describe courses. For each domain there are two courses available: one mandatory and one elective.