Meeting with Philip Snyder

Dr. Philip Snyder has been with Future Worlds Center (Leg. Registered: Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute) since 1995. Dr. Snyder was a Fulbright Scholar in Cyprus who implemented a number of conflict resolution workshops between 1997 and 1998 and supported peace builders in their early efforts to formalize a peace building organization. Dr. Philip Snyder has been since, a visiting scientist to Future Worlds Center and currently a member of N.E.T.S. Board of Trustees and N.E.T.S. Academic Staff. Between the 9th of November 2013 and the 21st of November 2013 Dr. Snyder was at N.E.T.S premises and had a close collaboration with the N.E.T.S project management team. During his visit, Dr. Snyder offered his expertise on a range of matters and frequently added how greatly impressed he was by the progress that the institute has throughout the years made. On his last day, Dr. Snyder congratulated the team and urged them to keep up the good work. Dr. Snyder added that their close collaboration will be virtually continued.

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